Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Random Finds

HSAH is having a bit of a myspace moment and finding odd, musical kinsmen...for want of a better word. Noisey punk bands like Bronx, Les savy fav, no age are taking the industry and grunge kids by storm. Can they peers carry this trend forward or do they die on their arse as copy cats and unoriginal? You decide as HSAH is loving the stale smell of beer.

Feel free to check out these guys for your ear bleeding pleasure. Don't you just love the hyperbole?

Baltimore seems to breed grunge, noise bands and Double Dagger (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=66653259) is no exception even if self described as Pop...oh the irony.

Pony Tail (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=16155773) are another band that hail from Baltimore (there must be something in the water) and describe themselves as pop. Sounding like a cross between the Yeah Yeah Yeah and deerhoof they do, actually, make tracks that could be described as pop. HSAH has mentioned Pony Tail is this group of bands because they veer of the good side of odd.

For a more magical sound that makes you want to melt away check out High Places (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=77468018)

New bands to look out for...

In to new music and love said music to weird? then why not check out these guys:

Crystal Antlers...they even have a bizarre name.

Monotonix...hail from Israel and make interesting noise rock. They are also playing on thursday at the luminaire.

Thank You...they make great sounds.

animal collective tour dates...

Yes, that is right, Animal Collective are coming to the Uk and here are their dates:

Mon 12-Jan-09 UK London Koko

Tue 13-Jan-09 UK Glasgow Glasgow School of Arts

Wed 14-Jan-09 UK Manchester Club Academy

Thu 15-Jan-09 UK Brighton Concorde 2

HSAH is definitely going to get a ticket for the London date. Excitingly a new album will follow!